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What’s Happening

New bins!

02/11/19 Zimmerman Elementary

Thank you Sherburne County and Recycle Across America! Our new bins will be much more effective in our recycling efforts throughout the building!

Green Team Newsletter

02/11/19 Lake Wilderness Elementary

The Green Team Zero Hour class has finished writing a Newsletter that will be sent out to the families that attend Lake Wilderness! They are doing such a terrific job!!

Planting of Spring Bulbs

02/11/19 Lake Wilderness Elementary

The Green Team planted several hundred flowering bulbs at Lake Wilderness. Look for the beautiful Spring bulbs to be pooing their heads out of the soil very soon!!!

Making Bird Feeders

02/11/19 Lake Wilderness Elementary

Lake Wilderness’ after school Green Team made a variety of bird feeders. The students used oranges, peanut butter, bird seed and string to make these feeders for the vast array birds they will be feeding!!

Energy Savings Bulletin Board

02/11/19 Lake Wilderness Elementary

The Green Team has spent several weeks looking at the Energy Data for Lake Wilderness and all the other elementary schools. They broke in groups and made graphs to represent the data savings. They looked at gas, electric and water savings. They checked out Cost Avoidance and over all energy costs. Look for their fabulous graphs with pictures and explanations on the Green Team bulletin board near the cafeteria.

Green Team Newsletter

02/07/19 Lake Wilderness Elementary

The after school Green Team members are working a newsletter. This letter will go out on a Friday to all the families at Lake Wilderness. Articles have been written about all the great things we are working. Topics include energy savings, marker and crayons recycle, what goes it the recycling can and tips from the Green Team!!

Killowatt Kisses

02/07/19 Bordewich-Bray Elementary School

We gave our teachers "kisses" for saving energy. We tested electronic devices to see how many watts they use. From least to most power: cell phone charger, laptop, audio enhancer, pencil sharpener, microwave, vacuum.

Energy Week moves into February!

02/04/19 Zimmerman Elementary

Due to the cold, energy week is extending into February!


02/01/19 Parker Elementary

Last Day to enter this week... Energy Fact: It’s Energy Week in ISD 728!! Simple tasks such as turning off computers, lights and electronics when not in use and closing your window coverings each night help reduce district energy waste! Energy Trivia: In the past 2 1/2 years, ISD 728 schools have decreased their use of electricity by what percentage? 14% 20% 9% Bonus Question: what is your school doing to celebrate Energy Week?? Send your guess to for a chance to win a Caribou drink!


02/01/19 Twin Lakes Elementary

Last Day to enter this week... Energy Fact: It’s Energy Week in ISD 728!! Simple tasks such as turning off computers, lights and electronics when not in use and closing your window coverings each night help reduce district energy waste! Energy Trivia: In the past 2 1/2 years, ISD 728 schools have decreased their use of electricity by what percentage? 14% 20% 9% Bonus Question: what is your school doing to celebrate Energy Week?? Send your guess to for a chance to win a Caribou drink!