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What’s Happening

Caribou Trivia

01/07/19 Twin Lakes Elementary

Energy Fact: January is typically the most energy intensive month of the entire year! Energy Trivia: What are two ways that teachers and students can help reduce heat related energy waste in the building? Send your guess to for a chance to win a Caribou drink!

Unplug This Break

12/21/18 Parker Elementary

Unplug this break and relax knowing you’re saving energy by unplugging and turning off lights before you leave your classroom today!

Unplug This Break

12/21/18 Twin Lakes Elementary

Unplug this break and relax knowing you’re saving energy by unplugging and turning off lights before you leave your classroom today!

Winter Break Tips

12/20/18 Tahoma High

Hi Bears! Reducing your energy use and waste does not end when school is out. Some ways that you can make a difference: turn off lights when you leave a room, shut off water when you are brushing your teeth or scrubbing your hands, clean recyclables before you put them in the recycle bin, and compost whenever possible. For more tips and tricks, take the pledge. We are at 121, almost half-way to our goal!

Building Operations Tour

12/20/18 Bordewich-Bray Elementary School

Mark and Virgil visited us today to talk about how our school uses and saves energy, how the power and air are controlled, and they gave us a cool tour of the machines that keep our school running. Thanks for answering all our questions!!

Recycle your items with Green Team

12/19/18 Maple View Middle

The Green Team is looking for used Oui glass yogurt containers, used k-cup containers, teacups/saucers, and lids to water bottles/ice drinks. Please drop off items to Room 304 or the office and tell them it’s for the Green Team. Thanks!


12/19/18 Parker Elementary

Remember that approximately 30% of energy used in schools occurs when they are unoccupied! It’s the easiest and most important time for us to reduce waste! Check that everything is unplugged in your classroom, window coverings are closed, and lights are turned off. Enjoy the break!


12/19/18 Twin Lakes Elementary

Remember that approximately 30% of energy used in schools occurs when they are unoccupied! It’s the easiest and most important time for us to reduce waste! Check that everything is unplugged in your classroom, window coverings are closed, and lights are turned off. Enjoy the break!

Marker Recycling Reminder

12/14/18 Rogers Elementary

Jill Waldron 9:11 AM (18 minutes ago) to ROGERS A quick reminder - we recycle markers at RES! You can drop off your dried up markers in the STEM lab, or leave them in Mrs. Waldron’s mailbox. Here is a link to lesson plans from Crayola that support their ColorCycle recycling program: Thanks to those of you who have dropped off your dried up markers!

Take the PPP Pledge!

12/13/18 Rogers Elementary

Let us know what you are willing to do, or have been doing already by taking the PPP pledge!