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Ready to dive deeper? Here are some great educational activities that help raise awareness about energy and the environment. Below are programs, games, tools and organization that will help make it happen. Complete one of these activities? Earn Power Points by logging your actions in the Take Action pages.

Classroom Activities

Project Learning Tree (PLT) is an environmental education program for educators and students in Pre-K through grade 12 sponsored by the American Forest Foundation.

Energy Kids All Grade Levels

Learn about energy’s history, sources, and tips on how to reduce usage from the U.S. Energy Information Administration. Educators can access a teachers guide with lesson plans, experiments and more. All Grade Levels provides a host of tools, lesson plans, videos, and activities for both educators and students to learn about energy. Check out the Educator Toolbox to find resources for all ages.

This website provides K-12 students and educators with access to quality homework resources, lesson plans and project ideas for learning and teaching about the environment. Get informed about environmental issues, get involved, and find local environmental education from the Environmental Protection Agency.

These fun, hands-on activities provide an engaging introduction to the importance of energy conservation at school and at home. Explore energy-themed topics through games like pictionary, charades, board games, and riddles!

National Energy Foundation All Grade Levels

The NEF site hosts curriculum, training, and materials on energy, natural resources, and the environment.

To succeed as global citizens and future stewards of our planet, children and young adults should be well-versed in the underlying principles of nature and wildlife. Through educational programs focused on conservation and environmental knowledge, the National Wildlife Federation provides ways to create a lasting base of environmental literacy, stewardship, and problem-solving skills for today’s youth.

Protect Dark Skies All Grade Levels

Lighting that emits too much light or shines when and where it’s not needed is wasteful. Wasting energy has huge economic and environmental consequences. Learn more about how to cut energy waste and protect dark skies in your neighborhood.

The Cool School Challenge All Grade Levels

The Cool School Challenge is an educational program intended to engage students and teachers in practical strategies to reduce carbon dioxide (CO2) and other greenhouse gas emissions schoolwide. Student leaders monitor the progress of the participating classrooms and look for ways to motivate and inspire classrooms to achieve the greatest reductions possible.

The Need Project All Grade Levels

The National Energy Education Development Project provides curriculum resources, energy information and resources, student science fair ideas, and games and activities like crossword puzzles, coloring sheets, and pumpkin carving templates.

Toss It, Baby! All Grade Levels

Make a classroom video or song to demonstrate what you’re learning. Watch this fun video to see a clever twist on a popular song that teaches viewers about the benefits of single-stream recycling, and encourages people to toss it, baby!

Envirolution Elementary

Envirolution has helpful and interactive educational resources for parents, students, teachers to use during remote learning... or just for those looking for something fun to do! They are a 501 (c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to developing and scaling dynamic K-12 education, youth leadership development, and community outreach programs centered around energy efficiency, sustainability, and Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math (STEAM) career development.

Check out both classroom and home activities and learn to “Think Earth” wherever they are. This foundation oversees environmental projects and partnerships among stakeholders in the government, business, education, and public sectors to conserve natural resources, reduce waste, and minimize pollution.

Includes teacher resources and initiatives for kids, and provides resources to find your local water conservation programs.

Solar Futures Toolkit Elementary and Middle

The GRID Alternatives Solar Futures K-8 Toolkit contains resources for giving presentations to young students about solar and renewable energy, solar jobs, and energy conservation. These resources are designed to support anyone who wishes to visit a classroom and share their enthusiasm for renewable energy. Be sure to consult with the teacher during the planning process to ensure materials are appropriate for students’ levels, and adapt this content to meet any relevant curriculum goals.

Renewable Energy Project Kits Middle and Secondary Levels

In this fun, engaging science program, students will learn how to build a wind turbine, solar oven, hydroelectric generator or biogas generator—so they can see firsthand how applied science is helping create a more sustainable future. Provides curriculum resources and detailed construction plans.

KidWind Secondary

The KidWind Challenge allows students to explore the power of wind by building and testing their own wind turbines. Over 10,000 have participated in KidWind Challenges all over the US! You can participate in two ways at events or online.

At Home Resources

NASA Climate Kids All Grade Levels

NASA uses it’s eyes on the Earth to present a variety of activities, games, learning opportunities, and teacher resources focused on energy, climate, and conservation. Check out the Planet Health Report to see current data on air, water, sea ice, and sea level.

Science Museum of London All Grade Levels

Explore science-focused games and activities. Boost your energy knowledge through games allowing you to design a low-energy home, cut carbon dioxide, and make energy flow.

Energy Kids Elementary

Learn about energy’s history, sources, and tips on how to reduce usage from the U.S. Energy Information Administration.

Check out both classroom and home activities and learn to “Think Earth” wherever they are. This foundation oversees environmental projects and partnerships among stakeholders in the government, business, education, and public sectors to conserve natural resources, reduce waste, and minimize pollution.

Sponsored by ENERGY STAR for individuals over the age of 13, this site encourages everyone to replace one light bulb with a certified LED bulb.

Earth 911 Secondary

Learn how to beat the heat while using less energy. These cool hacks deliver strategies for keeping body temperatures down even when it’s blisteringly hot outside. This will not only make you feel better and help lower energy costs, but it might keep you from getting sick, too.

This is a perfect website for students to explore the structure and components of a hybrid car.

Organizations & Information

ACEEE focuses on advancing and deploying energy efficiency technologies, policies, programs, and behavior as a means of promoting economic prosperity, energy security, and environmental protection.

The Center for Green Schools works with school decision makers, community volunteers, and thought leaders in the public and private sectors to drive progress at the intersection of sustainability, education, public health and the built environment.

The International Dark-Sky Association (IDA) is the recognized authority on light pollution and is the leading organization combating light pollution worldwide.

NRDC promotes policies that make our cars, buildings, appliances, and everyday gadgets more efficient, and collaborates with other countries to promote a global vision for—and an accelerated transition to—a clean energy future.

The Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Education Coalition works to support programs for teachers and students at the U.S. Department of Education, the National Science Foundation, and other agencies that offer STEM-related programs.

EREE invests in clean energy technologies that strengthen the economy, protect the environment, and reduce dependence on foreign oil.

Hosted by the U.S. Department of Energy, Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, this site offers activities, curricula suggestions, workbooks, and competitions on alternative fuels and vehicles for teachers and students in grades K-12. Secondary has a lot of information about what’s happening in the world of energy. Great resource for current innovations and news.

NREL is the federal laboratory dedicated to the research, development, commercialization, and deployment of renewable energy and energy efficiency technologies. Provides information and educational resources on various types of renewable energy including solar, wind, biomass, geothermal, hydrogen, and more. Secondary

Provides government information on energy, green technology, pollution, wildlife, and more.

Water Secondary

Developed by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, this site provides multiple activities for students related to water and the environment.