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What’s Happening

Glacier Park’s Waste Free Lunch Challenge

01/24/17 Glacier Park Elementary

Glacier Parks Waste Free Lunch Challenge begins February 1st. Green Team students are currently educating and handing out awards for all those students who bring part of a waste free lunch. On February 1st they will be looking for student who have brought a total waste free lunch. Those students will receive a paw print, write your name on it and put it in the waste free lunch box. Weekly we will draw out winners for some great prizes. Bring a waste free lunch.

Mrs. Miller’s Class played Energy Hog

01/20/17 Zimmerman Elementary

It was fun to have Mrs. Miller’s kids in my class today! We played Energy Hog again. It’s definitely a favorite!

Staff Meeting

01/19/17 Salk Middle

Teachers and other staff members played an Energy IQ Kahoot. Questions previewed a homeroom activity for next week’s Energy Week!

Mrs. Eversman’s Class Plays Energy Hog!

01/17/17 Zimmerman Elementary

I enjoyed having Mrs. Eversman’s Class today. We learned about ways to save energy at home!

Get Your Green Team News!

01/16/17 Shadow Lake Elementary

The SLES Green Team regularly contributes to the monthly newsletter which is sent electronically to all student’s families. This month we shared ways each family can support our Waste Free Wednesday lunch program and why turning off your car rather than leaving it idling is not only good for the environment but good for your car!

Tahoma Sustainability Summit set for March 23!

01/12/17 Shadow Lake Elementary

Shadow Lake leaders are submitting their applications for the first Tahoma Sustainability Summit--a one-day meeting of the minds in grades 4-12--to learn about and share ways to improve how we care for our community! Forms are due Feb 10!

Toss it, Baby!

01/11/17 Gleason Lake Elementary

The Green Team watched the video today and is starting to create videos for our school!

4th Grade Classes

01/11/17 Gleason Lake Elementary

This week 4th grade will talk about reducing, reusing and recycling and how we can improve what we are doing in the lunch room and at home to help.

Kilowatt Kisses

01/11/17 Gleason Lake Elementary

The Valentines are printed and ready to give to staff as reminders to unplug and save energy! Thanks for the template Anne.

Just played ENERGY HOGS with Mrs. Braaten’s Class!

01/11/17 Zimmerman Elementary

It was a very fun and informational game, but the living room level caulking the windows was DIFFICULT. Even after several attempts we did not pass!