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What’s Happening

Kill A Watt Challenge

02/08/17 Gleason Lake Elementary

Gleason Lake used the electricity usage monitor today. Very eye opening results!

ways to power down and help out in the work place!

02/06/17 Coolidge JH / HS

-Environment Friendly Architecture -Run Employee Awareness and Engagement Programs -Pick Larger Capacity Printing Consumables -Choose Energy Efficient Lights

Congratulations Kilber, Nelson, & Jung!

02/03/17 Otsego Elementary

Wow, Great Job Teachers! On Tuesday morning, practically before the snow had melted on their boots, the students in these classrooms were learning about the PeoplePowerPlanet Pledge, and getting signed up! Because these three teachers practically tied for "First Place", each will receive a gift card and something to help their students stay focused on our goal of a greener, more energy-efficient school. Honorable Mention: Mr. Bulman’s and Ms. Goble’s classes have also been teaching the virtues of careful energy use and signing students up for the Pledge.

Super Staff!

02/02/17 Salk Middle

Staff members are reporting that they are turning off those lights, and unplugging technology carts! Keep it up, SMS Staff!

unplug computers!

01/31/17 Coolidge JH / HS

Did you know you could save 90$ a year by simply unplugging your computer each night?

February is "Pledge Month" at Otsego Elementary School

01/31/17 Otsego Elementary

With the goals of saving precious energy resources for future generations, AND of saving $$$ that can be better spent on "classrooms and kids", students and teachers are taking the PeoplePowerPlanet pledge to reduce waste and use our energy more wisely. Congratulations to all of the teachers and staff members who have already taken the pledge and working hard to save energy!

Positive Energy Habits

01/30/17 Salk Middle

Students are noticing more and more when they can save electricity by powering down devices, shutting off lights in unused learning spaces, and unplugging to reduce phantom charges! Keep it up SMS students!

Remembering a Friend

01/26/17 Tahoma Elementary

We lost a friend of Green Team this week. Mr. Erickson was a coach last year. He passed away this week. We are sorry to lose such a great person. Our hearts go out to his family.

Energy Week here at SMS

01/24/17 Salk Middle

In our homeroom activity today, students self-selected an activity to learn about energy usage in our school. Students joined together to take the energy pledge, brainstorm Salk’s very own energy slogan, completed energy audits/power patrols, and played an Energy IQ game show. Students are proudly displaying their "I pledged" buttons.

Audits are Happening

01/24/17 Gleason Lake Elementary

We are working hard at Gleason Lake. Homebase has started sending out Junior Leaders to complete classroom audits. We have already completed 4 audits and this year!