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What’s Happening

patrol duty

11/01/13 Allis Elementary

Our first big patrol together - we visited 3 rooms and evaluated them all for different parts of the new checklist.

Lorax Contest Winner

05/02/13 Sweeney Elementary

Congratulations to Mrs. Conyard’s class for winning our school-wide Loraz contest. All of the entrants did a wonderful job!


02/05/13 Thoreau Elementary

At today

Recycle bin for water bottles.

09/05/08 Rogers Elementary

Please remember to use the recycling bin in the lunchroom for empty water bottles.

Last Meeting

04/01/05 Red Oak Elementary

Our April meeting was focused on Earth Day. The kids brainstormed and took notes on how they could save the planet by reducing, reusing, recycling. They used their folders to write in the inside of them rather than use a piece of paper. The POWER PATROLS brought the tips back the the classroom.

Power Patrol Meeting

03/09/04 Thoreau Elementary

Today we met to talk about the poster contest we will host during Earth Month. We also had time for a Power Patrol!

PPP posters hung up

01/00/04 Orchard Ridge Elementary

A group of students hung posters anouncing the Power Patrol activities.

Door Hangers

10/20/03 Central Family Center

Contratulations to all of the classrooms and departmetns that completed and hung up their door hanger reminders to remind EVERYONE to turn off the ligths!


11/09/02 Emerson Elementary

Emerson’s Walking Club and Power Patrol joined forces for a quick walk to The Goodman Community Center. After studying the massive solar panels used to heat all the water for the building, we enjoyed some tasty bakery from IronWorks Cafe. Check out how sustainable The Goodman Community Center is

Walk Through

11/05/02 Central Family Center

We will be doing our walk through sometime this week... be prepared!