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What’s Happening

Check it out! Our progress numbers are in!

03/09/11 Centennial High School

Centennial School District

Here We go!

02/02/11 Rice Lake Elementary

CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! We did it!!! EVERY classroom has earned their People Power Planet Wrist Band!!! Every Classroom collected a minimum of 15 green thumbs up stickers throughout the month of January!!! We certainly raised awareness throughout the building of our energy use and misuse!! The student council members took their

District Wide Facility Savings!

02/02/11 Centennial High School

What is 1,298 hours per week? That is the number of mechanical run hours in the District’s buildings that are being saved. By monitoring the occupancy of our buildings and the operation schedules of our equipment, we are now able to save 1,298 operating hours of equipment. That is a big win for both gas and electric savings!

Golden Lake Live Broadcast

01/07/11 Golden Lake Elementary

In this broadcast, Ms. Monahan will tell the students how to take the Pledge.

Energy Week Starts Today

01/08/19 Rogers Elementary sure to show the video that you were sent via email!

Classroom energy audits

11/08/18 Bordewich-Bray Elementary School

Our Power Patrol/Green team students audited 3 classrooms today! We found out that teachers are really good about turning off their smartboards and projectors and keeping their windows closed now that it’s chilly outside. Many teachers are keeping their blinds open, which allows the cold air to come through. We left notes to remind them about that and commended them for saving energy by turning off lights, computers and smartboards.

Earth Day Activities

04/07/18 Rogers Elementary

Many classes did earth day activities! Check out the Rogers Rocket Student News program to find out more!

Earth Day

04/06/18 Oakwood Elementary

Remember to talk to your students this week about how to Save the Planet.

Drippy Faucet?

01/03/18 West Middle

A hot water faucet that leaks one drop per second can add up to 165 gallons a month. That’s more than one person uses in two weeks. See a leaky faucet, let a teacher know so they can arrange to get it fixed.

This month!

11/09/17 Coolidge JH / HS

Free Range Turkeys! See a FFA member for details!