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What’s Happening

Power Points

12/18/11 Lindbergh Elementary

Lindbergh leads the schools in power points earned. Great job Lindbergh!!! Let’s continue to work on saving energy so our numbers can improve there.

Gimme 5!

12/13/11 Lincoln Elementary

In conjunction with the People.Power.Planet program, all Lincoln students have had the opportunity to learn about the ups and downs of plastic recycling. We examined a wide variety of plastics, searching for the ’chasing arrows’, and determining which kinds can be recycled and how. We have decided to set up a #5 plastic collection here at school, as that is a plastic the Madison recycling program doesn’t accept. We will take our #5s to Whole Foods, then they will be taken to the Gimme 5 recycling plant out east and transformed into toothbrushes, plates, cutlery, and other useful items.

User Submission

12/13/11 Lincoln Elementary

I don’t use plastic bags anymore. Emilio Mora

Did You Know

12/09/11 Falk Elementary

Did You Know! The carbon dioxide emissions caused by lighting is equal to 70% of global emissions from passenger vehicles and is three times more than emissions from aviation.

Way to Go Centennial Elementary!

12/08/11 Centennial Elementary

Keep up the good work!

Turn Off Your Lights

12/06/11 Sandburg Elementary

Be looking for some students to be coming in your rooms to put a removable sticker on your light switch. This will help you remember to turn it off when you leave the room.

User Submission

12/02/11 Shorewood Hills Elementary

Shall we write an MG&E and KEEP grant for a solar panel? Principal Ebbe// BK

Vampire Hunting

11/30/11 Lincoln Elementary

We’ve been vampire hunting in all of the REACH classes this week. Using a set of ’Kill-a-Watt’ meters, students are investigating how much power is being used in a variety of appliances even when they are turned off. It’s amazing how many sneaky things we’ve found that are ’energy vampires’. By adding up the total watts the appliances are drawing, we figured out that about 5-10% of a household’s or school’s electricity could be going to waste and adding unnecessary cost to the bill. We’re now looking around our classrooms to see where the vampires lurk.

100% of Pledges

11/30/11 Golden Lake Elementary

Congratulations Golden Lake Elementary staff and students! We have 100% of our school’s pledges.

Rice Lake is 100% Student Pledged!!!

11/28/11 Rice Lake Elementary

Way to go Rice Lake Students! Each student has now taken the People Power Planet Pledge! We are ready and excited to take some action and get to work on our activities!!!