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What’s Happening

"It’s Here" Poster Patrol

01/24/12 Thoreau Elementary

"It’s Here" Poster Patrol

01/24/12 Thoreau Elementary

"It’s Here" Poster Patrol

01/24/12 Thoreau Elementary

Job complete!

Green Week
Green Week

01/18/12 West High School

Green Week
Green Week

01/18/12 West High School

Energy from the Sun
Energy from the Sun

12/25/11 Muir Elementary

Chris Collins teaches us about solar power

The Lorax
The Lorax

12/25/11 Muir Elementary

Discussing the costs and benefits of using natural resources

Power Patrol in Action
Power Patrol in Action

12/23/11 Hawthorne Elementary

Here is the K/1 Power Patrol checking to make sure that classrooms are turning off their lights when they are not in the room!

Power Patrols
Power Patrols

12/23/11 Hawthorne Elementary

Lizzy and Precious are ready to start their job as the Power Patrol!

"You’ve Got the Power!"

12/23/11 Hawthorne Elementary

Room 24 is collecting positive energy messages! So far they haven’t needed any reminders!
