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What’s Happening

Chavez Power Patrol
Chavez Power Patrol

06/05/14 Chavez Elementary

Last meeting of the year!!

Power Patrol
Power Patrol

06/03/14 Lapham Elementary

Power Patrol explaining notes they will leave during patrols!


06/03/14 Lapham Elementary

A team of students collecting food scraps to compost!


06/03/14 Lapham Elementary


06/03/14 Lapham Elementary

From School to Farm and not in the landfill!

Lapham Loves the Earth
Lapham Loves the Earth

06/03/14 Lapham Elementary

Students creating a cooperative banner for our auditorium depicting ways we can reduce, reuse and recycle!

Lapham Loves the Earth
Lapham Loves the Earth

06/03/14 Lapham Elementary

More students working on pictures depicting how we can Love the Earth!

Finished Banner
Finished Banner

06/03/14 Lapham Elementary

One of the finished Lapham Loves the Earth banners on display

Sow and piglets
Sow and piglets

06/03/14 Lapham Elementary

An earlier shot of the pigs enjoying leftover produce from the school lunchroom and helping to reduce our waste in the landfil!

One of our dedicated Power Patrollers!
One of our dedicated Power Patrollers!

06/02/14 Nuestro Mundo Community School
