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What’s Happening

New school year full of great activities and passion

09/27/19 Lake Wilderness Elementary

The first zero hour Green Team will be on October 3rd at 3:15 - 4:15. We are offering three sessions this year. Green team will teach, encourage, and model way to reduce reuse and recycle at school. Some of the projects will include school yard beautification and litter patrols, recycled art projects, power patrol, and don’t idle campaign to name a few. Come join the fun!

Green Team Newsletter

02/11/19 Lake Wilderness Elementary

The Green Team Zero Hour class has finished writing a Newsletter that will be sent out to the families that attend Lake Wilderness! They are doing such a terrific job!!

Planting of Spring Bulbs

02/11/19 Lake Wilderness Elementary

The Green Team planted several hundred flowering bulbs at Lake Wilderness. Look for the beautiful Spring bulbs to be pooing their heads out of the soil very soon!!!

Making Bird Feeders

02/11/19 Lake Wilderness Elementary

Lake Wilderness’ after school Green Team made a variety of bird feeders. The students used oranges, peanut butter, bird seed and string to make these feeders for the vast array birds they will be feeding!!

Energy Savings Bulletin Board

02/11/19 Lake Wilderness Elementary

The Green Team has spent several weeks looking at the Energy Data for Lake Wilderness and all the other elementary schools. They broke in groups and made graphs to represent the data savings. They looked at gas, electric and water savings. They checked out Cost Avoidance and over all energy costs. Look for their fabulous graphs with pictures and explanations on the Green Team bulletin board near the cafeteria.

Green Team Newsletter

02/07/19 Lake Wilderness Elementary

The after school Green Team members are working a newsletter. This letter will go out on a Friday to all the families at Lake Wilderness. Articles have been written about all the great things we are working. Topics include energy savings, marker and crayons recycle, what goes it the recycling can and tips from the Green Team!!

Zero Hour Green Team Begins

10/11/18 Lake Wilderness Elementary

The after school Zero hour class on Thursdays has begun. There are 25 members in the group. With the 3 Highly Capable classes acting as Green Team leaders during the school day we now have over a 100 members!! The after school group began their first day by planting bulbs to beautify the Lake Wilderness School grounds. They will be working on a skit for the upcoming assembly on Friday, October 19th! The focus will be Waste Reduction and recycling!!

Green Team News!!

10/04/18 Lake Wilderness Elementary

Did You know? Our school has once again achieved a Level 4 status for GREEN SCHOOLS in KIng County!! Way to go Wildcats!! Our Lake Wilderness Green Team is getting ready to launch this year’s efforts! Here are the details! Green Team will be having an assembly on October 19th to emphasize Waste Reduction and Recycling! We will be modeling how Compost is only food items and recycling is milk lunch cartons. Everything else will go into the trash! Green Team will be on hand to help classes with these efforts. You can help at home by: * encouraging your child to save any uneaten food for their last recess snack. *pack your child’s lunch in a reusable container(Amazon sells some great products)

Power Down! Turn it off!!

10/04/18 Lake Wilderness Elementary

This years campaign is to look at each schools power usage and get a baseline from last year’s energy usage! We will work on getting students and staff to turn off lights and computers when not in use. We will conduct Power Patrols to see where we can make even bigger changes. Please consider taking the People, Power, Planet Pledge so to too can help in saving energy!

Opportunities for Green Team

10/03/18 Lake Wilderness Elementary

LWES is excited to announce that we will have 2 separate Green Teams working at our school. The 3 HIghly Capable classes will be doing activities during the school day. A zero hour class has been planned for students in grades 3-5 grade that would like to help out with Green Team after school on Thursdays!!! Together we will accomplish a lot!