My University

Leading the charge to protect our planet.
Creating the next generation of environmentally conscious citizens. Reducing energy usage building by building, room by room. Saving significant money. It all adds up to more engaged students, sustainable campuses, and a healthier planet.




First, we provide education to improve awareness of the benefits of making energy-saving choices every day. We make everything relevant to how people live, where they visit on campus, and how they interact with others all year long.

Then, we inspire participants to get involved by highlighting sustainability efforts happening on campus, leaders taking action, and events that are coming up. We make it easy to follow it all using hashtags on social media.

And of course, we focus on driving real-life action at all times. Participants join in to earn points or band together with their friends, classmates, coworkers, or team members to take action campus-wide. Badges and score boards keep track of everyone's progress.

Student Chatter