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My School

Parker Elementary

ISD 728
Elk River, MN

Parker Elementary serves approximately 515 Students in the city of Elk River. Our School Mission is to create respectful, lifelong learners and thinkers! In 2015 Parker was named a Reward School by the Minnesota Department of Education. Parker has also been nominated to be named a 2016 United States Department of Education Blue Ribbon School. Our school has an active and supportive Parent Advisory Council that meets on the second Thursday of each month. Positive culture and community is a big part of who we are at Parker. We take pride in forming strong partnerships between staff, students and families to help our students shape their futures, accomplish their dreams and contribute to our local and global communities.

Sarah Hudyma

Progress Snapshot

Power Points


earned by taking action

Energy Savings


saved in your school
Carbon Savings


metric tons of carbon saved in your school
Total Pledges


people pledged this year
(90 total) to cut energy and waste

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Caribou Trivia!!

02/19/19 Parker Elementary

Energy Fact: Landfills are among the biggest contributors to soil pollution – roughly 80% of the items buried in landfills could be recycled. Energy Trivia: ISD 728 participates in “mixed recycling”. What does that mean? Send your guess to for a chance to win a Caribou beverage.


02/11/19 Parker Elementary

Energy Fact: ISD 728 was awarded a grant from Sherburne County to purchase instructive labels for both waste and recycling containers in order to help our district promote proper recycling! Energy Trivia: What items from the cafeteria can be recycled? Send your guess to for a chance to win a Caribou drink


02/01/19 Parker Elementary

Last Day to enter this week... Energy Fact: It’s Energy Week in ISD 728!! Simple tasks such as turning off computers, lights and electronics when not in use and closing your window coverings each night help reduce district energy waste! Energy Trivia: In the past 2 1/2 years, ISD 728 schools have decreased their use of electricity by what percentage? 14% 20% 9% Bonus Question: what is your school doing to celebrate Energy Week?? Send your guess to for a chance to win a Caribou drink!

Caribou Trivia

01/17/19 Parker Elementary

Energy Fact: The United States throws away $11.4 billion worth of recyclable containers and packaging every year. Energy Trivia: Recycling just two aluminum cans save the same amount of energy it takes to power a _____ for a single workday. Send you guess to for a chance to win a Caribou drink!


01/07/19 Parker Elementary

Energy Fact: January is typically the most energy intensive month of the entire year! Energy Trivia: What are two ways that teachers and students can help reduce heat related energy waste in the building? Send your guess to for a chance to win a Caribou drink!

Photos View All


02/19/19 Parker Elementary

New labels are looking fabulous at Parker!


02/19/19 Parker Elementary

Parker is Recycling!


02/19/19 Parker Elementary

Even the Teacher’s Lounge Recycling got an upgrade

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