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My School

Shadow Lake Elementary

Tahoma School District
Maple Valley, WA

Our Tiger mascot

Mila Bradley
Leah Kemp
Caty Stamp
Elizabeth White

Progress Snapshot

Power Points


earned by taking action

Energy Savings


saved in your school
Carbon Savings


metric tons of carbon saved in your school
Total Pledges


people pledged this year
(4,894 total) to cut energy and waste

Announcements View All

Green Team 2024!

02/04/24 Shadow Lake Elementary

Green Team is reunited! Shadow Lake Green Team is ready to take action. We were lucky enough to have Ms. Carla from Republic Waste Management to come in and freshen up our recycling habits. It helped us think of a bunch of new ideas!

Green Team Newsletter

02/04/24 Shadow Lake Elementary

What have been up to? Check out Shadow Lake’s Green Team Newsletter:

Wrapping Up This Year...

05/16/23 Shadow Lake Elementary

This year was a blast! We almost got to our goal of 200 pledges and we encouraged others to do their part. Next year would like to promote more, do more projects, create a compost team and connect with other classes. Next year we will be even better next year.

Earth Week Reflections

05/02/23 Shadow Lake Elementary

What a week! We did not meet our goal of 200 pledges, but there was tons of green art and unplugging going on. Take a look at our photos. For those of you who have not taken the pledge yet, remember you can take the pledge any time!

Upcycled Handmade Card

05/02/23 Shadow Lake Elementary

Today the Green Team began working on a homemade paper project. First we gathered shredded paper. Then we made a pulp by soaking and mushing up the shreds. Finally, we thinly spread the pulp on a thin screen. Now we are waiting for a final product! Fingers crossed we will have a lovely handmade card.

Photos View All

Shadow Lake Compost
Shadow Lake Compost

11/30/23 Shadow Lake Elementary

Mrs. Nadine, our custodian extraordinaire, got creative with composting! She is teaching students how to recycle and compost in the lunchroom. Once Green Team kicks off, students will be right there in the action!

Green Art
Green Art

05/04/23 Shadow Lake Elementary

Look at this upcycled art. Not only did students collaborate on a beautiful piece they kept waste out of the landfill!

Green Team Upcycled Paper
Green Team Upcycled Paper

05/04/23 Shadow Lake Elementary

Videos View All

We Love Our School

03/21/23 Shadow Lake Elementary

With Valentine’s Day just around the corner we wanted to share just how much we care about our campus and are passionate about refusing trash.

Refuse Holiday Waste

01/02/23 Shadow Lake Elementary

Our Green Team created this video and aired it on our weekly Tiger TV to encourage others to refuse unnecessary waste. Way to go!


04/22/22 Shadow Lake Elementary

Bring in your TerraCycle!