Yates Elementary (4961)
Hillsborough County Public Schools
Brandon, FL
Progress Snapshot
Power Points
earned by taking action
Energy Savings
saved in your schoolCarbon Savings
metric tons of carbon saved in your schoolTotal Pledges
people pledged this year(376 total) to cut energy and waste
Announcements View All
HCPS Energy Conservation Bookmark Contest
01/16/23 Yates Elementary (4961)
Must embody the spirit of Energy Conservation! K-5 Bookmark Contest Artwork Due January 27. Please look for a 2in x 6in template and contest rules in each teachers’ mailbox for you to copy and share with your students. This is a perfect brain break to incorporate art in the classroom as well as educate about energy conservation.
Green Teams
09/15/22 HCPS District
Kicking off #HCPS Green Teams for the 2022-2023 school year. We are over 150 represented schools and sites districtwide.
Welcome back teachers and staff!
08/10/22 HCPS District
Checkout the resources available to support your communications to your school. Keeping energy conservation visible on a regular basis is fundamental to long-term change.
Summer is Almost Here - Play the Lights Out Game with Your Family!
06/01/22 HCPS District
National - Get the whole family excited about saving energy! Start by playing this fun game!: http://www.touchstoneenergykids.com/games/cfl_game.php
Welcome Hillsborough County Schools
11/22/21 - 12:00 am HCPS District
Tampa, Florida - Welcome Hillsborough County Schools to the People.Power.Planet! Explore the site, take the pledge, find out what you can do to better the planet!
Photos View All
Campus clean up!
01/16/23 Yates Elementary (4961)
Mrs. Wikerts 5th grade class walks campus monthly to pick up trash and recycle items found.
First Grade Class PLEDGE
11/01/22 Yates Elementary (4961)
Mrs. Parker’s class has committed to reducing their carbon footprint on Earth!
Happy Halloween!
10/11/22 Yates Elementary (4961)
This year we will collect all candy wrapper trash for our "Trick or Trash" recycling box provided by Rubicon. We are so happy to keep candy wrappers out of the landfill this Halloween season.