The key to maximizing energy efficiency is engaging individuals to make educated, responsible choices every day. People.Power.Planet, a component of McKinstry's powerED program, educates building occupants about the importance of energy efficiency and challenges them to take actions that reduce their energy use to better the planet. powerED is a systematic program designed to improve operational efficiency, save energy, track results, and drive sustainable behaviors within your facilities.
About People.Power.Planet
People.Power.Planet educates and inspires participants to reduce waste and become more energy efficient. Part of McKinstry's powerED program, People.Power.Planet provides leadership, messages, and activities that lead to reduced energy usage and environmental impact. provides visitors with the knowledge, tools, inspiration, and support to take action and adopt new habits. On the site, participants can see how their actions are adding up to real savings at each participating facility.
McKinstry's powerED program approaches energy efficiency holistically, working with participating organizations to optimize operations, report results, and engage building occupants in energy-saving behaviors. McKinstry keeps track of each participating facility's energy use through utility bills and meter data and reports progress to the People.Power.Planet website. Building occupants earn points and badges on by taking action and getting involved in the program – both online through the website and offline in the activities happening in their facilities.
Our goal is to work with you to educate building occupants about the importance of energy efficiency to encourage behaviors that save energy, money, and the planet. Individual achievements are designed to reinforce the philosophy that everyone has a role to play in saving energy and reducing carbon at your facility. Making small habit changes can have a huge impact on your building's energy use.
Learn more here.