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What’s Happening

First Grade Class PLEDGE
First Grade Class PLEDGE

11/01/22 Yates Elementary (4961)

Mrs. Parker’s class has committed to reducing their carbon footprint on Earth!

Yates Elementary Green Team
Yates Elementary Green Team

10/11/22 Yates Elementary (4961)

Welcome to the Green Side Initial Green Team meeting.

Happy Halloween!
Happy Halloween!

10/11/22 Yates Elementary (4961)

This year we will collect all candy wrapper trash for our "Trick or Trash" recycling box provided by Rubicon. We are so happy to keep candy wrappers out of the landfill this Halloween season.

HOST Building Operations Tour
HOST Building Operations Tour

09/15/22 HCPS District

On the way to find energy waste!

The Future is Here
The Future is Here

09/15/22 HCPS District

The leaders of tomorrow are already here. #HCPSEnergyLeaders

Green Teams
Green Teams

09/15/22 HCPS District

Big or small, all Green Teams are empowered to be the change!

Water waste is energy waste
Water waste is energy waste

09/15/22 HCPS District

Never assume someone else will stop water waste - report all water waste you can’t turn off.

HCPS Green Teams are here!
HCPS Green Teams are here!

09/15/22 HCPS District

HCPS Green Teams are ready to lead the nation in K-12 sustainability. Earn your badges by completing activities and proudly display them around your campus.

Energy audit time!
Energy audit time!

09/15/22 HCPS District

Be on the lookout for Green Team energy audit notes. Thank you for doing your part!

East HS Student Energy Audit
East HS Student Energy Audit

06/01/22 East High School

East High School Student Participates in Classroom Audits to support NWF Eco-Schools Certification.
