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What’s Happening

Power Patrol on Display

02/01/16 Sunset Hill Elementary

Visit the 4th grade hallway to see the power patrol display case. Great job Mr. P and the PP.

SH Power Patrol Audits

01/27/16 Sunset Hill Elementary

WE have begun our first round of audits making suggestions and looking for ways to save energy.

SH GREEN Team formed

12/17/15 Sunset Hill Elementary

Mr. P. and Mr. H. have formed our GREEN Team. Eight 4th grade students will be heading up the team.

SH Pledges to reduce waste

12/17/15 Sunset Hill Elementary

Yesterday SH students pledged to reduce waste, conserve power and reduce our carbon footprint.

Green Team Meeting

12/08/15 Sunset Hill Elementary

On Friday the 5th Mr. P and Mr. H met to start the Sunset Hill Green Team. Pledge challenge soon to come.