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What’s Happening

Litter Patrol

11/08/18 Tahoma Elementary

Green Team walked the entire campus and picked up about 10 pounds of garbage today!

Posters and Fliers

10/25/18 Tahoma Elementary

Today, students started creating informational posters and fliers to place around the school, encouraging their peers to be green.

Lunch Pledges

10/14/18 Tahoma Elementary

On Thursday, Green Team Leadership students got 417 of their peers to take the pledge to be green at TES.

Power Patrols

10/14/18 Tahoma Elementary

Green Team Leadership students are conducting Power Patrols, looking at each classroom to make sure we are keeping lights off when not in use, etc.

Green Team Leadership Begins

10/04/18 Tahoma Elementary

Today, we begin our first Green Team Leadership class! More than 30 students have signed up to lead the school in energy conservation and sustainability efforts.

Shared bottle caps with Rock Creek

03/08/17 Tahoma Elementary

We gave Rock Creek a donation of bottle caps that we’ve collected so they could finish a STEM project.


03/01/17 Tahoma Elementary

In honor of our move next year, TMS is putting together a container garden. Our thanks to Shadow Lake and to Nutrition Services for providing us with buckets. We hope to get this project started this month!!

Water conservation week

03/01/17 Tahoma Elementary

March 22 is World Water Day. We are planning a week of Water Conservation themed activities, including collecting pledges to be green and save water.

The Joy of Painting

02/16/17 Tahoma Elementary

What better way is there to appreciate the joy of the outdoors when you’re indoors on a rainy day than to watch the Joy of Painting with Bob Ross?? Some of our students had never seen the show. So we tuned in during our painting project yesterday. We were inspired!!

Remembering a Friend

01/26/17 Tahoma Elementary

We lost a friend of Green Team this week. Mr. Erickson was a coach last year. He passed away this week. We are sorry to lose such a great person. Our hearts go out to his family.