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Don’t Waste It

Click the box  next to the activities you have completed since your last check-in. Don’t forget to click submit so you can earn Power Points for your school!
Use less paper

Think before you print something… do you really need to print? Use the back side of printed materials for scrap paper. Set your printer to automatically print on both sides of each sheet.


Use composting bins in your cafeteria or home to collect food waste. No compost? Start a petition at your school or talk to your parents about options at home.

Trade and borrow

Host a day for everyone to bring clothes, books, games, and toys to trade. Borrow from your library instead of buying personal books and movies. Share things with your friends instead of buying new.

Turn off faucets

Turn off the faucet when you are finished washing your hands; be sure it’s all the way off. Report any leaky faucets, toilets, and showers to faculty.

Add in an activity

Do you have an idea for a fun way to bring sustainability into your classroom? Talk to your teacher about doing a special eco-activity or check out the Resources tab for ideas.


Use recycling bins in your classroom to collect paper, plastic, and glass. See what things can be recycled near your home by doing a recycle center search. Keep your cell phones, computers, and other electronics as long as possible. Because they can contain mercury and other toxins, donate or recycle electronics responsibly when the time comes.

Take only what you will eat
Reduce the amount of food waste your school cafeteria produces by taking only the amount of food you will eat.
Skip the bottled water

Drink tap water instead of buying bottled water. Bring a reusable water bottle, preferably metal or glass, with you to school.

Be smart about batteries

Turn off the toys and games that use batteries when you are not playing with them. Better yet, purchase rechargeable batteries for items like toys and remotes.